Tha Bethlehem a’ planadh Nollaig somalta eile fo sgàil a’ chogaidh ann an Gàsa

Tha Bethlehem a’ planadh Nollaig somalta eile fo sgàil a’ chogaidh ann an Gàsa

Tha do thaic gar cuideachadh gus an sgeulachd innse

Bho chòraichean gintinn gu atharrachadh clìomaid gu Massive Tech, tha The Unbiased air an talamh nuair a tha an sgeulachd a’ leasachadh. Co-dhiù a tha e a’ sgrùdadh ionmhas an pro-Trump PAC aig Elon Musk no a’ toirt a-mach am prògram aithriseach as ùire againn, ‘The A Phrase’, a tha a’ deàrrsadh air na boireannaich Ameireaganach a tha a’ strì airson còraichean gintinn, tha fios againn cho cudromach sa tha e na fìrinnean a sgrùdadh. teachdaireachdan.

Aig àm cho èiginneach ann an eachdraidh nan SA, tha feum againn air luchd-aithris air an talamh. Leigidh an tabhartas agad leinn cumail oirnn a’ cur luchd-naidheachd a bhruidhinn ri gach taobh den sgeulachd.

Tha earbsa aig Ameireaganaich thar an speactram poilitigeach gu lèir anns an Unbiased. Agus eu-coltach ri mòran ionadan naidheachd càileachd eile, tha sinn a’ roghnachadh gun a bhith a’ glasadh Ameireaganaich a-mach às ar n-aithris agus mion-sgrùdadh le ballachan pàighidh. Tha sinn den bheachd gum bu chòir naidheachdas càileachd a bhith ri fhaighinn leis a h-uile duine, le pàigheadh ​​​​air a shon leis an fheadhainn as urrainn a phàigheadh.

Bidh an taic agad a’ dèanamh diofar mòr.

Tha Bùth Nativity ann an Ceàrnag Manger air gràbhalaidhean fiodha ollaidh agus nithean cràbhach dèanta le làimh a reic ri daoine a thadhail air àite breith traidiseanta Ìosa bho 1927. Bethlehem ag ullachadh airson an dàrna Nollaig aige a chomharrachadh fo sgàil a’ chogaidh ann an Gàsacha mhòr nach eil luchd-turais ann, a’ fàgail Stòr an Nativity agus gnìomhachasan eile mì-chinnteach dè cho fada ‘s as urrainn dhaibh cumail orra.

Airson an dàrna bliadhna às deidh a chèile, bidh subhachas Nollaige Bethlehem gu math brònach agus sàmhach, mar thoradh air cogadh leantainneach ann an Gaza. Cha bhi craobh Nollaige mòr ann an Ceàrnag a’ Mhanger, cha bhi còmhlain caismeachd borb, no solais poblach a’ deàrrsadh agus glè bheag de sgeadachadh poblach no taisbeanaidhean.

“An-uiridh ron Nollaig, bha barrachd dòchais againn, ach a-rithist tha sinn faisg air an Nollaig agus chan eil dad againn,” thuirt Rony Tabash, sealbhadair treas ginealach Nativity Retailer.

Tha cogadh Israel an-aghaidh Hamas air a bhith ag èirigh airson faisg air 15 mìosan, agus chan eil crìoch ann fhathast. Tha oidhirpean stad-teine ​​​​air stad.

Bho thòisich an cogadh, tha turasachd gu Israel agus am Bruach an Iar anns a bheil Israel air a dhol sìos. Agus às deidh do Israel casg a chuir air faighinn a-steach don mhòr-chuid den 150,000 Pailistinianaich anns a ‘Bhruaich an Iar aig an robh obraichean ann an Israel, chaidh eaconamaidh Palestine sìos 25% anns a’ bhliadhna a dh’fhalbh.

Tha comharrachadh bliadhnail na Nollaige ann am Bethlehem – air a cho-roinn am measg ainmean Armenia, Caitligeach agus Orthodox – mar as trice nam prìomh bhuannachdan don bhaile-mòr, far a bheil turasachd a’ dèanamh suas 70% den teachd-a-steach bliadhnail aice. Ach tha na sràidean falamh an t-seusan search engine optimisation.

Thuirt Tabash gum bi e a’ fosgladh a’ bhùth a h-uile latha, ach gu tric bidh seachdain slàn a’ dol seachad gun reic. Bidh Tabash ag obair le còrr air 25 teaghlach ionadail a bhios a’ cruthachadh nithean cràbhach snaighte le làimh a-mach à fiodh ollaidh stoirmeil na sgìre. Ach às aonais luchd-ceannach, tha obair air tiormachadh dha na teaghlaichean sin.

Tòrr rùm anns an taigh-òsta

Thuit an àireamh de luchd-tadhail don bhaile bho àrd ro-COVID de timcheall air 2 mhillean neach-tadhail gach bliadhna ann an 2019 gu nas lugha na 100,000 neach-tadhail ann an 2024, thuirt Jiries Qumsiyeh, neach-labhairt airson ministrealachd turasachd Palestine.

A rèir sgeulachd na Nollaige, b’ fheudar do Mhàiri Ìosa a bhreith ann an stàball leis nach robh rùm aig an taigh-òsta. An-diugh, tha cha mhòr a h-uile gin de na 5,500 seòmar taigh-òsta ann am Bethlehem falamh.

Thuit ìre còmhnaidh taigh-òsta a’ bhaile bho timcheall air 80% tràth ann an 2023 gu timcheall air 3% an-diugh, thuirt Elias Al Arja, ceannard Comann Taighean-òsta Bethlehem. Aig an taigh-òsta aige fhèin, Taigh-òsta Bethlehem, thuirt e gu bheil e air luchd-obrach de chòrr air 120 neach a chuir dheth agus nach eil aige ach còignear luchd-obrach.

Bidh am baile a’ cumail còrr air 100 stòr agus 450 bùth-obrach a’ dèiligeadh ri obair-làimhe traidiseanta Palestine, thuirt Qumsiyeh. Ach dìreach seachdain ron Nollaig, nuair a bu chòir don bhaile a bhith loma-làn luchd-tadhail, bha Ceàrnag a’ Mhanaidsear falamh sa mhòr-chuid ach a-mhàin beagan de mhuinntir an àite a bha a’ reic cofaidh is tì. Cha robh ach dhà de na h-ochd stòran ann am prìomh shlaodadh na ceàrnaig fosgailte airson gnìomhachas.

Tha dragh air Qumsiyeh nuair a thig an cogadh gu crìch agus turasachd a’ dol air ais mu dheireadh, nach bi mòran de na teaghlaichean a tha air sgilean traidiseanta a thoirt seachad airson ginealaichean a’ dèanamh rudan a tha a’ nochdadh dualchas is cultar Palestine tuilleadh.

Tha mòran a’ fàgail na sgìre gu tur. “Tha sinn air ìre fìor àrd de eilthireachd fhaicinn bho thòisich an ionnsaigh, gu sònraichte am measg an fheadhainn a tha ag obair ann an roinn na turasachd,” thuirt Qumsiyeh.

Nollaig gun tlachd

Tha faisg air 500 teaghlach air Bethlehem fhàgail sa bhliadhna a dh’ fhalbh, thuirt am Maer Anton Salman. Agus is iad sin dìreach na teaghlaichean a ghluais thall thairis le bhìosa còmhnaidh oifigeil. Tha mòran eile air gluasad a-null thairis air bhìosa turasachd sealach agus ag obair gu mì-laghail, agus chan eil e soilleir an until iad, thuirt Salman.

Bidh timcheall air leth den t-sluagh ann an sgìre Bethlehem, a’ toirt a-steach bailtean beaga faisg air làimh, ag obair ann an turasachd no ann an obraichean ann an Israel.

Tha an ìre cion-cosnaidh ann am Bethlehem timcheall air 50%, thuirt Salman. Tha cion-cosnaidh air feadh a’ Bhruaich an Iar timcheall air 30%, a rèir Ministreachd Eaconamaidh Palestine.

Tha cuir às do chuirmean na Nollaige mar aon dòigh air aire a tharraing chun an t-suidheachaidh dhoirbh ann am Bethlehem agus air feadh sgìrean Palestine, thuirt Salman. “Am-bliadhna tha sinn airson sealltainn don t-saoghal gu bheil muinntir Palestine fhathast a’ fulang agus nach eil an toileachas aca a tha aig a h-uile duine eile san t-saoghal,” thuirt Salman.

Is e buille eile a th’ ann do shluagh an Tìre Naoimh a tha a’ crìonadh thairis air an deichead air sgàth eilthireachd agus ìre breith ìosal.

Is e Crìosdaidhean àireamh sa cheud bheag den t-sluagh. Tha timcheall air 182,000 ann an Israel, 50,000 anns a’ Bhruaich an Iar agus Ierusalem agus 1,300 ann an Gaza, a rèir Roinn Stàite nan SA.

Lorg an solas anns an oidhche a-nuas

Thuirt an t-Athair Issa Thaljieh, sagart paraiste Eaglais Gnàthach na Grèige ann an Eaglais an Nativity, gu bheil mòran theaghlaichean a’ strì gu h-ionmhasail, gam fàgail gun chomas màl no cìsean sgoile a phàigheadh, mòran nas lugha de thiodhlacan Nollaige a cheannach no na saor-làithean a chomharrachadh ann an dòighean eile. Tha seirbheisean sòisealta na h-eaglaise air feuchainn ri cuideachadh, ach tha na feumalachdan air leth math, thuirt e.

Thuirt Thaljieh gu robh an teachdaireachd Nollaige aige am-bliadhna ag amas air brosnachadh Palestineach ann am Bethlehem fuireach a dh’ aindeoin na dùbhlain a tha ann.

“Chan e eaglais a th’ ann an eaglais às aonais Chrìosdaidhean, ”thuirt e, leis gu robh luchd-obrach a’ snasadh le làimh na candelabras umha sgeadaichte anns an eaglais uaimheach, falamh seachdain ron saor-làithean.

“Is e an solas a rugadh nuair a rugadh Iosa Crìosd an search engine optimisation an solas a tha a’ gluasad nas fhaide na dorchadas, agus mar sin feumaidh sinn feitheamh, feumaidh sinn a bhith foighidneach, feumaidh sinn tòrr ùrnaigh a dhèanamh, agus feumaidh sinn fuireach le ar freumhan oir tha ar freumhaichean ann am Betlehem,” thuirt e.

Tha cuid de theaghlaichean a’ lorg dhòighean air pòcaidean aoibhneis a thoirt air ais.

Thug neach-còmhnaidh Bethlehem Nihal Bandak, 39, a-steach do dh’ iarrtasan an triùir chloinne aice craobh Nollaige a bhith aice am-bliadhna, às deidh nach robh tè aice an-uiridh. Is e sgeadachadh na craoibhe am pàirt as fheàrr leis an Nollaig aig an nighean as òige aice, Stephanie, 8-bliadhna.

Bha Mathew Bandak, 11 bliadhna a dh’aois, air leth toilichte gun tug a theaghlach cuid de na traidiseanan aca air ais, ach cuideachd air an reubadh.

“Bha mi toilichte oir gheibh sinn sgeadachadh agus comharrachadh, ach tha daoine ann an Gaza aig nach eil dad ri chomharrachadh,” thuirt e.

Thuirt Rony Tabash, sealbhadair an treas ginealach aig Nativity Retailer, gun leanadh e air a’ fosgladh a’ bhùth, leis gu bheil e na phàirt de dh’ eachdraidh a theaghlaich.

“Chan eil sinn a’ faireachdainn na Nollaige, ach aig a ’cheann thall, tha an Nollaig nar cridheachan,” thuirt e, ag ràdh gu robh am baile-mòr air fad ag ùrnaigh airson fois-fois agus sìth. “Tha creideamh mòr againn gum bi an-còmhnaidh, nuair a chì sinn an Nollaig, a’ toirt dhuinn solas na h-oidhche.

#Tha #Bethlehem #planadh #Nollaig #somalta #eile #sgàil #chogaidh #ann #Gàsa

The Unbiased

#Tha #Bethlehem #planadh #Nollaig #somalta #eile #sgàil #chogaidh #ann #Gàsa

Melanie Lidman , 2024-12-23 05:08:00

Pennsylvania’s Bethlehem: The town based by Moravians on Christmas eve retains its traditions alive

Pennsylvania’s Bethlehem: The town based by Moravians on Christmas eve retains its traditions alive

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On Christmas Eve in 1741, Moravian settlers named this Pennsylvania metropolis after the biblical birthplace of Jesus. Almost 300 years later, Moravians proceed celebrating their Christmas season traditions in Bethlehem.

They embrace the “putz,” a Nativity scene that tells the story of Christ’s beginning with miniature picket collectible figurines, the making of 1000’s of beeswax candles by hand as an emblem of the sunshine that Jesus delivered to the world and a “lovefeast,” a tune service the place worshippers share a easy meal of candy buns and low of their pews.

“Like all Moravian traditions, the significance of it’s that it brings individuals collectively,” mentioned the Rev. Janel Rice, senior pastor of Central Moravian Church — Bethlehem’s first congregation and the oldest Moravian church in North America.

“Constructing group, emphasizing that, over doctrine or dogma, is basically the Moravian observe and custom at our core,” she mentioned.

Moravians relate to the story of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Rice mentioned, as a result of their ancestors started as a refugee church fleeing non secular persecution. The Nativity can be a poignant reminder in the present day, when the variety of individuals fleeing their properties due to conflict, violence and persecution continues to rise worldwide.

“It’s so essential as a result of this story isn’t just Jesus’s story of two,000 years in the past. It’s in the present day’s story. And we have to ensure that we’re residing the phrase that we have been advised on the subject of these refugees,” mentioned church member Sarah Wascura. “That phrase is to present them refuge and to care for them and to like them as ourselves.”

A city based on Christmas Eve

The Moravian Church is likely one of the world’s oldest Protestant denominations. Its identify comes from the historic provinces of Bohemia and Moravia in what’s now the Czech Republic.

Their beliefs of observe over dogma started with a spiritual reformer, John Hus, who led a protest motion towards a few of the practices of Roman Catholic hierarchy. Hus believed congregants in his church ought to take heed to Mass and browse the Bible of their native Czech as an alternative of Latin. He was accused of heresy and burned on the stake in 1415.

His concepts have been carried on by his supporters, who broke with Rome and based the Moravian Church, or Unitas Fratrum (Unity of Brethren) in 1457 — many years earlier than Martin Luther’s Protestant Reformation.

Moravians dealing with persecution ultimately fled to Herrnhut, Germany, and established the unique Renewed Moravian Church settlement, in accordance with accounts of church historical past.

Moravian missionaries later settled in Pennsylvania.

On Christmas Eve in 1741, their chief, Rely Nicolas Ludwig von Zinzendorf, who was visiting them, led them to a steady, the place they sang the hymn “Jesus Name Thou Me.” Its lyrics say: “Not Jerusalem — lowly Bethlehem ’twas that gave us Christ to avoid wasting us.” Thus impressed, Zinzendorf named the settlement Bethlehem.

A beloved custom retells the story of the beginning of Jesus

Bethlehem’s first settlers introduced with them hand-carved figures to retell the story of Christ’s beginning. The custom is named the putz, from the German phrase “putzen,” which means to wash or enhance.

“It relates again to the creches of the Center Ages,” Rice mentioned. “But it surely’s not only a creche, which might be simply the one Nativity scene.”

As a substitute, it makes use of figures to inform totally different components of the Gospel in miniature, together with Mary’s annunciation and the go to of the three clever males to the toddler Jesus.

In Victorian days, Rice mentioned, Bethlehem’s residents would “go putzing” — visiting one another’s properties between Christmas Eve and New 12 months’s Day to take a look at Nativity scenes.

In 1937, the native chamber of commerce launched a marketing campaign selling Bethlehem as “Christmas Metropolis USA.” As a part of that promotion, they took the custom of the putz to the historic Resort Bethlehem on Principal Road. 1000’s turned up.

“The story goes that the lodge obtained so crowded that they couldn’t actually accommodate the variety of those that have been coming to see it, and so they requested Central Moravian Church to host it.”

For each Christmas since then, the group putz has been put collectively by the church’s congregants and displayed on the close by Christian schooling constructing.

“It’s greater than Christmas for 4 weeks a 12 months,” mentioned Wascura, who went to the putz on her first date with Bob Wascura, her husband of 33 years.

“The character of the religion heritage of town is one thing that’s by no means forgotten.”

On a latest day, she led households visiting the group putz to their seats. After recounting a short historical past of the Moravian Church and the Pennsylvania metropolis, she drew a curtain to show the handfuls of picket figures — angels, shepherds, kings carrying presents — in a tiny panorama adorned with pebbles, wooden and moss.

Kids and fogeys listened to the recorded voice of Janel Rice, who narrated the biblical story in regards to the different Bethlehem.

“We would surprise why establishing a putz and telling the story of Jesus’ beginning is so essential to the Moravians, and now to town of Bethlehem,” Rice says within the recording. “One purpose has to do with the naming of town itself.”

The church choir, after some singing, gave technique to the highly effective sound of the famend Moravian Trombone Choir, identified for enjoying its brassy tunes from the belfry of Central Moravian Church. When the lights turned on, kids approached the stage to lookup shut on the collectible figurines and level at surprises close to the manger, together with miniature zebras, lions and giraffes.

“We really feel actually fortunate to reside so near Bethlehem with the entire historical past right here and particularly the historical past pertaining to Christmas,” mentioned customer Kelly Ann Ryan. “It’s simply one thing that we will’t miss each vacation season because it rolls round.”

She got here to Bethlehem from a close-by city along with her husband, Daniel, and their 5- and 8-year-old sons to see the group putz, in what she mentioned has grow to be a household custom.

“Telling the Christmas story this manner is an effective way for teenagers to attach with it.”

Lighting candles on Christmas Eve, becoming a member of Santa for a sleigh trip

Christmas — from the Christian celebration to the secular industrial vacation — is omnipresent in Bethlehem.

On a latest day, Santa Claus checked on a purple sleigh (drawn by horses as an alternative of reindeer) outdoors Central Moravian earlier than he led households who hopped on for a tour of Bethlehem and its Moravian church settlements, which have been just lately designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Website.

Others strolled to close by holiday-themed picket huts or alongside Principal Road with its shops adorned with Christmas globes and Moravian stars. Some stopped outdoors an Italian restaurant to greet Santa and Mrs. Claus, who welcomed diners and posed for images.

Throughout city, distributors bought ornaments at Christkindlmarkt, within the shadow of rusting blast furnaces of Bethlehem Metal illuminated in purple and inexperienced. That firm as soon as provided metal for development of the Empire State Constructing, the Golden Gate Bridge and different landmarks.

At Central Moravian, the choir sang hymns whereas sacristans handed out buns and mugs of espresso to households who loved the sustenance of their pews on the “lovefeast.”

After Rice delivered a remaining blessing, Linda Thudium walked up the steps and opened a big closet, the place the congregation retains 1000’s of handmade candles wrapped in purple ribbons that they mild throughout Christmas companies.

“To me, that is Christmas — these candles,” mentioned Thudium. She recalled attending Christmas Eve companies with lit candles since she was 5, a convention she continued along with her kids and grandchildren.

“To me, that is simply magical. I keep in mind my dad and mom doing this, my grandparents,” she mentioned. “It’s only a fantastic heat feeling of being related with this church.”


Related Press faith protection receives assist by way of the AP’s collaboration with The Dialog US, with funding from Lilly Endowment Inc. The AP is solely accountable for this content material.

#Pennsylvanias #Bethlehem #metropolis #based #Moravians #Christmas #eve #traditions #alive

The Unbiased

#Pennsylvanias #Bethlehem #metropolis #based #Moravians #Christmas #eve #traditions #alive

Luis Andres Henao , 2024-12-17 13:01:00